ocr: COLUMME1-203 LIHE BB:BB:33 ARICLE: BIR GRARUDISR SHOOTING Ohh. Bullets whining lafmbsth.forgot... past our ears! Parsec Yeah! This is the extrenly cool story about managed to hurt hself!!! NO! He our 'disk, shooting day'! ! dient commit suicide! He hurt his finger when he waslgoing to load the Ita all started when we decided to 9o rifle.. Poor Parsec!! His fingers came out and shoot with a airgun, we between the/lbaderstick' and the thought about possible targets...... rifle! Uuwuych! Ohh..t (no! LOTS OF hmm... Parsec came uP with a brilliant BLOD!! Parsec got MAD" In spite of idea!! -Let's sh ...